Shaivya is a girl who is best at cooking , she’s a beautiful soul with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. She possesses all the great qualities of a women and everyone wants to be like her .
Ohh god finding a shaivya girl is so difficult nowadays
by Cool and hot April 20, 2021
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Shaivya is a beautiful name derived from the depths of Indian mythology, a follower of lord Shiva is usually known as 'shaiv' but in this context "Shaivya" means auspicious. Many are unaware but this word was also the name of Raja Harishchandra's wife. Gentle and elegant is one way to describe the word! All people named Shaivya are blessed with kindness and love for others in their hearts. Consider yourself luck if you know a person named "Shaivya". They are keepers don't make them leave you!
"Shaivya, that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
by Callmemikki November 29, 2021
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Shaivya is a beautiful name which has a deep connection with Indian mythology. The followers of lord Shiva were known as 'Shaiv' therefore the feminine of 'shaiv' easily comes as Shaivya. Originally the word Shaivya means auspicious. Many don't know but the name of Raja Harishchandra's (the first king of Ayodhya) wife was Shaivya. The name itself is beautifully elegant, it sounds incredibly powerful and graceful. People named Shaivya generally fall in the category of utterly kind and loving people. They are ready to give to the world with asking anything in return, so if you know a person named Shaivya, don't let her leave you.
"Shaivya, that's a beautiful name dear"
by Callmemikki November 29, 2021
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