There aren't many shaher's around but if youve managed to find one, hold on tight and never let go. If you are looking for a man that makes all other men look feeble and unimportant, look no further. A body to die for, their sex appeal tends to be outrageous and be prepared to have multiple panties to change into if you're going on a first date with a shaher. One of the biggest features they present with, literally, would be their massive eggplant. No but seriously... and were not talking about the vegetable garden they have in the backyard because of their intellectual and down to earth stature. Most important of all, the love that they tend to carry is of the most compassionate and deeply rooted that any man can possess. They will do anything for their women and will love and protect them from any harm they may face. Shaher's prefer classy women in the streets, and in the sheets? Well lets just say things can get wild. If you are lucky enough to find a shaher, hold his hand and never look back.
"OMG is that shaher? Like shit is he gonna marry me or what?"
by Sexiestmanaliveever January 18, 2018
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