A insult worse than "Quintuple Nigger," implying someone is a nigger six times over. Legends claim there exist degrees of niggertude beyond Sextuple Nigger and even now, Sextuple Nigger is only theoretical, as internet fights have never been so intense as to require its usage while remaining hidden from normalfags who would seek to destroy the environment in which such a powerful term would be used.
1: I don't like Mexicans.
2: I don't like them more than you.
1: I don't like Mexicans the most.
2: Well you're a nigger.
1: Oh yeah? You're a faggot. And a double nigger.
2: Why don't you get another small loan of a million dicks in your mouth so you'll shut the fuck up, triple nigger?
1: That's ridiculous. You only need one dick in your mouth to shut up, although for you it would need to be yuuuuge, ya fuckin quadruple nigger.
2: Come on, man. Wait no, you actually wanna do that, you quintuple nigger.
1: Better a man than children while they rub your legs, sextuple nigger.
by Notable_Discomfort July 21, 2021
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