A text message containing an unintentional typographical error that changes the meaning or results in a double meaning to the message. Comical word-play or witty word-puns are the most common serendipitexts. Serendipitexts are known for originating many recent new words and novel terms, often in the form of portmanteaus.

See Oxford Dictionary's now-shameful list of the Words of the Year since we started texting.
See serendipitext for an example of a portmanteau that originated in a serendipitext.
Jaimi: When I get back to Chicago, wanna join me for a glass of wind?
Scott: haha! Was that a serendipitext?
Scott: Either way, my DIY wig adhesive and alarming alcoholism means I’ll likely have to pass.
by choga August 17, 2021
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