A very intelligent and beautiful girl,though she thinks she is not pretty,She is one of the most gorgeous girls you would ever come to contact with.If you are so lucky for her to be your soul mate you would have someone who loves you very much and would gladly go to the moon and back for you.She is very hard to get,she is stuborn and petty.She doesn't get jealous,instead,she is would be very happy for you.If she has her mind set on a goal you cannot get her to stop.She is very loyal and would love you to eternity if you're lucky.She is very kind and humble along wih a warm heart.
Boy number one: Sarahvanna hot,sweet and smart, I'm going to ask her out
Boy number two: Sarahvanna is very loyal to her boyfriend,she would not even talk to you.
by jessicadawg123 January 2, 2019
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