a. A recent trope in video games where character designs of female characters in games have their sexuality toned down to not trigger gaming journalists. Only terminally online leftist Twitter users love this.
b. See goyhorny.
A: “What do you think of Cammy’s new character design in Street Fighter 6?
B: “GTFO with that “safe horny” shit, lol. Her classic buttfloss leotard costume is based. Thank God Capcom brought it back.”
A: “Amen brother. The only people who hate the classic costume are goyhorny lovers from Twitter.”
by Waterbreath September 13, 2023
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Safe horny denotes subjects towards which the current Overton window allows or even encourages public displays of sexual attraction.
"Hey bro, check out this artwork of nude Lady Dimitrescu"
"Not interested, she's safe horny"
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