Ⓡommunism is a quintessential political ideology based on the virtues of equality; imagine a perfect society in which everyone is equally poor. Although the ideology is similar to Communism, Ⓡommunists acknowledge that the people will never truly receive anything from the government they devote their resources towards; hence our people give all to their irrefutably all-knowing and powerful government for nothing in return. Ⓡommunism indubitably represents the society our world has been waiting for.
Guy 1:The best world is a rommunism world

Guy 2:The only world is a Rommunism world
by MimeDictionary October 13, 2018
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A person who supports Mitt Romney.
Guy 1: Mitt Romney Sucks.

Guy 2: Yeah, Rommunism does too.
by thedfv October 16, 2012
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