Two ethical problems that arise when an individual asks someone out. They include:
-The assumption that if you ask someone out, then they have to say yes to the person who asked them out. However, this is not true as it is up to the person getting asked to decide. They should say no if they don’t like you to avoid causing both of you to suffer a lot of unnecessary pain down the line.
-The presumption by one or both of the people involved that it is acceptable to spread bad rumors about the other person if the person asking the individual out gets rejected. This leads to unnecessary conflict and distrust of each other which benefits neither of you. Just because it didn't work out does not mean that they are entitled to spread bad rumors about each other or that you two can't be friends anymore.
Romantic entitlement causes a lot of unnecessary suffering to a large number of people. People should try to avoid making these presumptions about romantic relationships in order to reduce their own and the person they like's suffering.
by Vanguard 1998 March 3, 2021
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