A knockoff or cheap generic brand watch that looks like a Rolex. Often times a Rolco will have "Rolex" added to the face or back of the watch to give the appearance of wealth/status.
Originally coined from the 1920's when Rolex owned and sold several sub-brands of watches to appeal to the less wealthy consumers such as 'Unicorn' and 'Rolco' which used the Rolex name on the minute hand despite being separate standalone products.
"This guy tried to charge me 1K for a fuckin' Rolco!"

"That dude with the fake gold rims tells bitches he got a Rolly but that shit's a Rolco."

"The guy at the flea market has good knockoff Jordans. He got new Rolcos in that look legit AF."
by Mykelsen March 11, 2018
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