A type of mode that literally can fuck everyone in the entire world. Most likely to appear in discord servers where when riku mode activated people get banned, channels gone or even CP is posted to ruin entire mans existence. Most importanly it hits the weebs the most due to waifu genocide.
Example 1:

Person A: ''Hey what happened today why are there over a billion people dead?''
Person B: ''Ah u know Riku mode was activated''
Person A: ''Understandable have a nice day''

Example 2:

A: "Yo bro can I have that waifu?"
B: "Ah, well, I kinda like her so I have to say no"
A: ''ok force divorce and deleting the server for a good measure"
B: ''wtf bro dont go riku mode right now''
by Propane and Assesories April 22, 2019
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