She is a attention whore wants everyone's approval. disloyal very manipulative is the type of person to take random photos to save her as in a lie like if her boyfriend asks where are you she sends a photo of her in the hospital wearing the shoes that are at home rite next to her man but is to stupid to notice details that she missed in her lies. Will allow almost anyone to fuck but thinks it ok morally because she used a condom and tell her man it's not cheating if you use protection. Has major daddy issues and won't admit it the worst part about her is she will never just be happy in the moment and chase what she thinks will make her happy but In the end leaves her feeling empty when all along all she had to do was pic one person normally the the one with the soul connection and just be happy but she won't she thinks the grass is greener on everyother side !!!!
Revea is out with he ex
by Bob bear November 23, 2021
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