Or Republitucky if used as a noun.

Everyone has met one, either in person or online. The conservative, uneducated, loudmouth. These people love their opinions even more than they love all the random crap with the flag slapped on it laying around their house. They will constantly berate anyone who dares to personally attack them by differing opinions, even slightly. Their source is always Fox News and they never bother to fact-check with any other sources. They will make up baseless opinions and present them as facts that you cannot deny or else you are a snowflake. Meanwhile, they are extremely easily offended but can never be called out on it because they are the only strength and patriotism America has left. Trump is their god; every liberal, feminist, or member of the LGBTQ is the antichrist and must be vanquished without mercy. Every citizen who does not align with them is the problem with the country. Progressive taxation is socialism to them, as is any welfare system that they don't personally benefit from. In addition, they're tacky. They may live in the nicest neighborhood in the town but will still dress as if they live in a trailer park. They will pay extra for anything with stars and stripes on it, top dollar if it includes a bald eagle. These are the people that buy the wooden crosses with old glory painted on them. Forget Israel, the U.S. of A. is the holy land and the second amendment is the eleventh commandment, never mind "Thou shalt not kill".
"That snowglobe with the American flag flying over the nativity stable is so republituckian."

"My republituckian relatives make thanksgiving hell. I can't even speak they're so easily offended. It's suffocating!"
by HaveBrainWillUse January 23, 2023
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