When your trying to explain a thing to your parents and they're not getting it. Or you are trying to explain your parents reasoning to your sibling.
"Yo bro I was rentsplaining to my dad that MW2 is so much better than Battlefield 1, but the old man wont get it in his head."

rentsplaining is defined as a passive aggressive form of explaining something to your parents, very similar to mansplaining.
by ayeyeetyeet November 20, 2020
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When you are trying to explain something to your parents, but they just don't get it. or your explaining your parents reasoning to your siblings.
"Dad i'm going to rentsplain this to you, bluetooth is the future, get rid of that radio."

rentsplaining- defined as a type of passive aggressive way to explain something to your parents
by ayeyeetyeet November 20, 2020
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