The Reddit Subreddit for the YouTuber PewDiePie which he reviews weekly on his show, LWIAY. A hole in the ground full of reposts, circlejerking and karma whores due to it's userbase's young average age and lack of knowledge about Reddit. The subreddit does, however, have occasional good fanart and high effort content. This subreddit is targeted by many other subreddits (such as r/ComedyHitmen and r/CringePDPSubmissions to name a few) who brigade the young children using it with memes featuring Wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus and spamming Reddit moment in the comments. All of this, of course, breaks Reddit's Terms of Service and Reddiquette, which they actually should have read before their accounts got suspended by the admins.

The moderators here can be decent, although there's a lot of mostly unfounded conspiracy around u/sloth_on_meth. They are the first moderator team to employ the use of a Public Relations "Mascot" to interact with users.
Redditor: r/PewdiepieSubmissions can be funny sometimes, to be honest!

by ZagoTD July 26, 2020
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A group of 15 year olds can ruin everything. From subreddits to specific TV shows such as "Phineas and Ferb" and "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" . They post unfunny "Kono Dio Da!" memes and and think that playing "Giorno Theme X Megalovania" on public transit is peak of comedy. They are toxic, they're annoying, and they're pure garbage. If their leader says that he watches a TV show they will ruin that TV show. If their leader will play a specific game like Minecraft, they will ruin it too! r/PewDiePiesubmissions users AKA PewDiePie fans are the WORST that can happen to any Fandom.
1: God damnit! PewDiePie said that he never watched Avatar! Now unfunny 15 years olds at r/pewdiepiesubmissions will ruin in with God awful memes and """Hilarious""" references!
2: For fuck's sake...
by dafukyouwantmetodo August 14, 2020
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