Quasha is loving, outgoing and outspoken. She says what most are afraid to say. Strangers consider her mean, but she's FAR from that. She's actually soft as cotton, a cry baby! She'll mop the ocean for someone she loves. She loves hard! Her loyalty is unmatched!!! But don't play with her. Lastly but definitely not least Quasha is fine as fuck!! BEAUTIFUL FEATURES. She gets finer with age! She aint got no big booty, but her looks and confidence make up for it. And the bedroom game AH FOOL!!!
Find Quasha and hold on to her fine ass!! Wife her up!!! I lost mine. 😞
by The Man 🤪 November 24, 2021
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Quasha is very indecisive, outgoing and very outspoken! She's going to say what most people are afraid to say. Quasha is very loyal to a fault and loves extremely hard! Did I mention Quasha is fine as fuck!!! The older she gets the finer she gets!!!

Get you a Quasha!!
I Love me some Quasha, I'll never let her go!!
by The Man 🤪 November 24, 2021
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