Note: A Skater Poser is NOT someone who sucks at skateboarding and/or is just beginning.

A Skater Poser is someone who claims they skate, but doesn't really. Reasons for someone being a Skater Poser include popularity and getting girls. They are usually seen carrying their boards around (some don't even own a skateboard), saying they can do tricks, and sitting around at the local park, insulting actual skaters.
*Real Skater falls doing a kickflip to nosegrind*

Skater Poser: Dude, you suck! I did that first try yesterday!

Real Skater: Let's see it, then.

Skater Poser: A cop took my board away.

Real Skater: Here, use mine.

Skater Poser: Uh, I have to, uh, check my, uh, house. I think, uh, I left my, uh, front door open.

*Skater Poser runs away*

Real Skater: Poser...
by youdon'tneedtoknowme July 5, 2010
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Someone who wears skateboarding brands e.g. Palace, Supreme, Huf, Diamond etc. and only buys the clothes because they are expensive. They have so idea about the skateboarding brands they are wearing, or skateboarding in general. The only reason they wear these clothes is to show off how much money they have. Basically an all round massive cunt.
Actual skater: Hey (poser), what do you think of (skater for Palace Skateboards) new part in the new Palace video?
Poser (non-skater): Urmmm what? what the fuck are you on about?
Skater: Well, I see you're wearing a Palace t-shirt and a Palace sweatshirt, so you clearly MUST skateboard?
Poser (non-skater):No......?
Actual skater: what a massive posing cunt
by roastedbabynuts July 9, 2014
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