the fake mgs nunnery school which is probably a bad idea since every pl lite is either lgbt🏳️ 🌈🏳️ ⚧️ or homophobic❌🏳️ 🌈🏳️ ⚧️, able to socialise with the opposite gender👫 or cant at all🙅 ♀️, from the primary school👧🏻 (10 fucking years in the nunnery geez) or not😟. majority of the grass in the school are just like most of the friendships: fake but dont worry there are definitely some 4lyfers😆🤞 also has unnecessary dress codes (like who made up 100% white school shoes damn..) most teachers are okay if u have the good ones that arent racist or spewing internal misogyny xx LOTS OF DRAMA AND RUMOURS SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE BC NOBODY MINDS THEIR OWN BUSINESS HERE! n e wayz look up lift up the best is yet to be💛💙 😍🎚(who tf ships girls sch w boys sch??) no hate tho i still kinda love the school😐 #sallythemannequin #pl100 #chapelseverywednesday #muslimstorebest #anyonegotpad
plmgps kid: boys are yucky! i’ll just go to plmgss after psle!

after plmgss experience: i’m lesbian/trans/bisexual/confused OR where my s/o at? ;(
by upskrtfan69 August 24, 2021
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