A Pitmommy is a pitbull owner who is delusionally devoted to protecting their precious baby-devouring death machines from criticism, online or otherwise. Their favorite past-time is ignoring fatality statistics and saying chihuahuas are more of a threat.

When Pitmommies are exposed to too much empirical data that shows that pitbulls are way more likely to kill or seriously maim than other breeds, they often resort to the online equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" aka spamposting 'cute' images of pitbulls in shower caps or with flower crowns.

Pitmommies represent a serious danger to society at large because they encourage clueless dog lovers to take a chance on this violent breed. They love to call pits "mommy dogs" and espouse their so called 'nurturing instinct' for human children. They also constantly fail to properly secure their own "sweetie pibbles" which leads to them getting out of the yard and attacking some passer-by.

The only way for a Pitmommy to become a rational human being again is, sadly, to have them suffer a personal loss because of their precious baby pitty. Unfortunately, some Pitmommies are so far gone that even having their human children killed by their pet is not enough to convince them.
"Did you hear about that fatal mauling? Wanna guess what breed the dog was?"
"I bet I know the breed, but if I name it, dollars to doughnuts I'm gonna have some Pitmommy screeching at me in my DMs."
by t. Alberto Barbossa January 8, 2022
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