An alternative spelling for the name Noni. The name doesn't really mean anything but the woman who is named Nounie does bring a lot of meaning in other people's lives.

This alternative spelling is created most probably by the woman herself just to sound a bit more classy compared to the mundane appearing regular spelling. Just like how some people write "broke" as "broque" just to sound more classy and possibly a bit french but still have no money whatsoever.
Guy 1: Thay girl Nounie is kinda cute but what's with her name, how do you pronounce it?

Guy 2: I guess it's pronounced the same way as Noni, what's with the different spellings though?

Guy 1: I guess she drives her car on the other lane.
by EnglishMajorNoob November 27, 2021
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An alternative spelling for the name Noni. The name doesn't really mean anything but the woman who is named Nounie does bring a lot of meaning in other people's lives.

This alternative spelling is created most probably by the woman herself just to sound a bit more classy compared to the mundane appearing regular spelling. Just like how some people write "broke" as "broque" just to sound more classy and possibly a bit french but still have no money whatsoever.
Guy 1: Thay girl Nounie is kinda cute but what's with her name, how do you pronounce it?

Guy 2: I guess it's pronounced the same way as Noni, what's with the different spellings though?

Guy 1: I guess she drives her car on the other lane.
by RachitNoob November 23, 2021
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An alternative spelling for the name Noni. The name doesn't really mean anything but the woman who is named Nounie does bring a lot of meaning in other people's lives.

This alternative spelling is created most probably by the woman herself just to sound a bit more classy compared to the mundane appearing regular spelling. Just like how some people write "broke" as "broque" just to sound more classy and possibly a bit french but still have no money whatsoever.
Guy 1: Thay girl Nounie is kinda cute but what's with her name, how do you pronounce it?

Guy 2: I guess it's pronounced the same way as Noni, what's with the different spellings though?

Guy 1: I guess she drives her car on the other lane.
by RachitNoob November 23, 2021
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