When you tuck your dick between your legs and she sucks it from behind, while nosing your assailed as she sucks.
Got a hell of a Brown Nose Tucker last night at your mom.
by Johnny Bravolo July 8, 2021
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This is a magical gorilla that got his nose punched off.he drinks bleach and is obese.he shall be known as juan Jose Batista
by Stevenbando July 17, 2023
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A Person and or thing named callum
P1- "You seen that long nosed freak"
P2- "oh that's just callum"
by DaMathGod October 15, 2021
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my parents are jewish so i didn't get a choice on having a snub nosed cock
by Chimpanzee_With_Glock December 21, 2021
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Invented by Keith Hansen, nose cuddles are the act of hugging one’s nose with your own nose by touching noses.
I melted his heart with my nose cuddles.
by Nixsey September 13, 2020
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Fat pussy that Loves to ride allan Adam's cock at night and screams WhAt dO YoU MeAN and has anal with danielle and he does the RUNNING man across the classroom
BUTTON NOSE is a gay boy
by DYWAN Cburn May 25, 2020
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When someone is going down on you and you start to get your period
"Dude! She gave me a Rudolph's Nose!” “Sick dude!”
by extraZZZ December 12, 2019
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