To take too many cannabinoids, especially synthetic cannabinoids.

Double entrende, being derived from cannabi*noids* whilst generally causing you to be para*noid* when you take too much, which noided is also used as slang for being paranoid.
B: Foo got noided out on k2 he was puking all over and kept talking about shadows and shit
J: shit man I been there before I feel bad for him
by dextromethorphan January 25, 2022
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the act of being completely idiotic and paranoid. usually has to do with the use of drugs.
shiloh: did you hear about william?
forrest: yeah! apparently he checked his entire apartment for bugs.
shiloh: damn, he must have really been noiding out! Do you know why?
forrest: apparently he is a diagnosed schizo or something, who knew?!

kid smoking weed#1: fuuuuuck i'm totally noiding out man!
kid smoking weed#2: relaaaax, we're at my place, no one is going to bust us.
by midori modesty February 10, 2011
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