Term popularised on 4chan. Describes deep mental exhaustion from being forced to care about black people and their actions 24/7.
As the 7th riot this month broke out in his town, Tyler was beginning to develop serious nigger fatigue.
by Wild oat September 11, 2020
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"Nigger Fatigue" refers to an overall tiredness towards the 'Black Lives Matter' Riots & Looting, kneeling monkeys in NBA & NFL, as well as the overall degeneracy and shameful filth tried to market as 'music' by black 'artists and rappers'.
I really have that Nigger fatigue.
by wyk1ng September 12, 2020
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A state of physical or mental exhaustion in response to overabundance of culture and news pertaining to people of color, particularly African Americans.
Bro, I swear Americans just can't stop talking about niggers. I'm getting fucking nigger fatigue reading this shit holy fuck
by JamaicanBaconXO November 20, 2021
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