Abbreviation for Nuclear Finger Horns, derived from an image of a nuclear explosion in the shape of a fist with the index and pinky fingers raised (metal horns). Usage popularized in online gaming communities as an emoji denoting awesomeness or approval.
Player 1: Guys! My account just hit 10 mil ttv!
Player 2: NFH
Player 3: Whale isn't that special?
by Split Lip December 5, 2018
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Acronym for Neighbor(s) From Hell. Neighbors qualify as NFH's with dogs barking all day, harassment, frequent suisares, etc.
This is their third suisare this week. Looks like we have an NFH on our hands.
by annoyed October 30, 2004
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- no fuckinq homo .
| a qirl to a qirl ) you're pretty , NFH .
by - barbiequrl . March 6, 2010
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An acronym for (Not From Here) describing a person who is from a foreign country.
Jane: hey lets check out that new reggae club tonight!
Mandy: thats cool, but if any of those NFH bitches get outta line I got INS on speed dial hoe!
by mzmlol February 3, 2010
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