Narfage (est.) 2002
Noun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection.

Narfage is what I like to call a "filler" word. When you have nothing else to say, just drop it into the sentence. It can mean anything you want it to.
You narfage, why did you steal my hoagie?
Why you gotta go an' do that narfage?
Narfage! I ruined the day by wearing the polka dot bikini from target.
I totally narfaged up that test.
by Kirbitz September 5, 2004
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interjection, noun, adjective, adverb, verb

Is to used by the speaker when one has either nothing to say or is in any type of sad, happy, humorous, etc. mood. Although is mostly used to "spice" up a sentence
The narfages went to see a bluegrass singer at CCAC!

I want my stinkin' lousy breakfast!

This lollipop tastes narfagey.
by Caitlin aka klon brown September 9, 2004
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