Mikkail is himself; at all times. He is unashamed of who he is. Even if others laugh at him.. he doesn't care. He is reserved and doesn't care to be emotionally expressive. He may seem like he doesn't care, but he does. He does not like deceitful people. He can do without. He is completely and sometimes brutally honest. Honestly is, however, the best policy.

He is analytical and thinks carefully before he gives his opinion on a serious matter. He is loyal. He loves his family and his girl. Even though he could easily be a lady killer, only one lady holds his heart; his lady. Mikkail often has a high sex drive and ladies tend to draw to him, not for his big dick neither his cuteness but for his good soul.
He is extremely handsome and suave. The looks are RELENTLESS. He is mysterious and his personality is as equally attractive as his looks. Girls will throw themselves at him, or try to at least. But as previously stated, his is loyal and committed to his one and only.

He enjoys the thrills of life. He loves motorcycles, dirt bikes, fast cars, etc. He loves to have fun and laugh. He also enjoys treating people and he does when he can afford to do so.

Mikkail is just a great person, point blank.... period. If he calls you friend, consider yourself lucky and honored.
Mikkail is an Imperfect Perfection
by Templar Simon March 30, 2021
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