Meraya is kind hearted soul, with a touch of pepper, typically Meraya’s have bad sight at night. Very extroverted and very welcoming person. Her little patience leads you to believe that she won’t wait, but love plays a role in her normal. She’s very creative and smart and quick on her feet to think of and solve a problem. Don’t ever find a Meraya and think she’s just there for the fun of it though, if she’s with you it means something. Attention and attitude go hand and hand but with the right touch of each gives a Meraya the heart of a queen and the commands of a king. Her memory is one of the best you’ll ever witness in your life, and so is her forgiveness. But that doesn’t mean you can ever take a Meraya for granted. So hang on to a Meraya they are rare and valuable.
Wow a Meraya, that’s awesome
by MERAYA April 24, 2023
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