like smallpox, but without the disgusting pimples and rash. All you want to do is shop and then other people then decide what they have is crappy compared to all of your new stuff you got when you were infected with mallpox. so then they, too become infected with mallpox and go out and buy stupid stuff they they will never use just to try to compare to everyone else in the world.
chick 1- OMG like, look at that purse she got!!!! :D howw cutttttttttttteeeeeeeeee
chick 2- like omg yaaa i gotta go shoppppingggggg.
chick 1- like seriously, OMFG lets goooooo i have some seeeerious mallpox right nowwwwww..
chick 2- yeahhhh meee toooooooooo. :DDDDDDDDDDD
by rahraharah May 15, 2011
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