A replacement for any combination of cuss/swear words.
Best used in the presence of grandparents and overly sensitive adults.


Mother Fucker
Fucking Bitch
Arse Hole
Shit Cunt.
"Oi that guy Blake is an absolute Llama Pig"
by Dan The Mango Man November 30, 2019
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A Chicken-Llama-Pig is an fictional animal with a chicken's head, a llama's body and a pigs tail and feet. It is also a name you can call a very strange person.
Weird Girl: Hey! Look! A Chicken-Llama-Pig!
Guy: There isn't even one there you freak!
Weird Girl: I know I'm just a weird girl.
Guy: You are a chicken-llama-pig
by llamas in hats June 22, 2009
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