Lightyagamisgf.01 is a tiktok user who has a couple over 1000 followers. Her name says what she is, Light Yagami's girlfriend. Even though she posts tiktoks simping over Tooru Oikawa, she'll always keep her desired and popular user, Lightyagamisgf.01. She also makes great content and is known for making Ryuk look like a baddie back in May 2021, she is also known for her memes and hot takes of death note characters(especially Light.) She is one of the best tiktokers on that app and nobody can deny it. We love you Lightyagamisgf.01 ;)
Did you see Lightyagamisgf.01 on tiktok? She's one of the funniest on the app!
by OikawaisCool July 22, 2021
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