Short version of this article: An infamous Youtube whore (he use to have nearly 70,000 subscribers) who has gotten his channels epically terminated many times (eight times so far) since April 21, 2011 as he is no longer allowed to make anymore Youtube channels and videos. Any channel by him will get Epically Terminated on the spot! He’s infamous for shamelessly exploiting the Japanese Earthquake of May 11, 2011 for Youtube whoring partnership money.

He now uses his girlfriend to make videos for him on the MeganLeeHeart (MLH) channel to circumvent his Youtube permaban. MLH’s channel now has over 1000 subscribers, hundreds of thousands of video views, and more important a partnership so that he can now enjoy his Youtube whore cash again! However, he better be careful about showing his face again on MLH since doing that would show everyone he is at least partially behind the MLH channel. As such, the MLH channel could face Epic Termination!

He is likely the most hated user on Youtube right now and surpasses even Brett Keane, ShockofGod, and Nephilimfree in terms of notoriety and dislike on the Youtube community. Blackbustercritic, Undertakerfreak1127, and many other Youtubers pwned his sorry butt numerous times since his pathetic earthquake video. Right now, he is the poster boy on Youtube for shameless deprivation and whoring.
I hope you don't act like a LIAT aka LifeInATent on Youtube as in being a complete Youtube whore.

Damn, did you just hear LifeInATent just got another channel of his Terminated!?

You are acting very LifeInATent-ish througth your completely overt Youtube whoring

You just got pwned like a LifeInATent by TheAmazingAtheist!

(note that the word bitch was substituted by LIAT in this case)
by supersmash43 June 17, 2011
Get the lifeinatent mug.
An infamous Youtube whore (he use to have nearly 70,000 subscribers) who has gotten his channels epically terminated many times (eight times so far) since April 21, 2011 as he is no longer allowed to make anymore Youtube channels and videos. Any channel by him will get Epically Terminated on the spot! He’s infamous for shamelessly exploiting the Japanese Earthquake of May 11, 2011 for Youtube whoring partnership money.

He now uses his girlfriend to make videos for him on the MeganLeeHeart (MLH) channel to circumvent his Youtube permaban. MLH’s channel now has over 1000 subscribers, hundreds of thousands of video views, and more important a partnership so that he can now enjoy his Youtube whore cash again! However, he better be careful about showing his face again on MLH since doing that would show everyone he is at least partially behind the MLH channel. As such, the MLH channel could face Epic Termination!

He is likely the most hated user on Youtube right now and surpasses even Brett Keane, ShockofGod, and Nephilimfree in terms of notoriety and dislike on the Youtube community. Blackbustercritic, Undertakerfreak1127, and many other Youtubers pwned his sorry butt numerous times since his pathetic earthquake video. Right now, he is the poster boy on Youtube for shameless deprivation and whoring.
I hope you don't act like a LIAT aka LifeInATent on Youtube as in being a complete Youtube whore.

Damn, did you just hear LifeInATent just got another channel of his Terminated!?

You are acting very LifeInATent-ish througth your completely overt Youtube whoring

You just got pwned like a LifeInATent by TheAmazingAtheist!

(note that the word bitch was substituted by LIAT in this case)
by supersmash43 June 17, 2011
Get the LifeInATent mug.