Lickey-chewy is a militarism used by dudes in the sandbox for a gigantic shipment of Gatorade shakes, Met-RX bars, and candy that came in large shipping containers. It was a shipment of sugary goodness and testosterone eliciting protein used to increase morale among forward deployed forces. The shipments were usually directed for special operations teams and related Other Governmental Agency (OGA) personnel and often created a rift between traditional military units and special operations.
Bruh, I hear we're getting a lickey chewy shipment in tonight; let's hit that sh** before the Delta boys get there.


Joe: Stan, I'm depressed from smelling donkey-sh** and burning jingle trucks all day; it's hot af and my girl is probably banging Jody at this very moment back home.

Stan: Hear ya brother, thankfully we have lickey chewy coming in tonight. I'm going to take a Snickers and Rip It back to my bunk along with a picture of your girl Jody sent me!
by Lawyering Sucks April 2, 2020
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