An onomatopoeic verb used to describe the act of vomiting when the vomiter is a dog or cat.
On some pets it can actually take on a sort of brass pipes and plunger tone.... after an evening where you stupidly let your dog finish the left over onion and anchovy pizza and are awakened to that terrifying "KA-Churg! KA-Churg! KA-Churg! sound and poor Bowzer in a muzzle down reverse hunch stepping slowly backwards across the foot of your bed...... the series of "KA-Churg!"'s ends with a louder "Ka-Kack!" when the offending substance is finally laid half digested on the bedspread your sainted grandma knitted in the old country.
"Sorry I'm so out of it today, Bowser kachurged cup-o-pizza all over my bed in the middle of the night and I had to get up to try and save my sainted grandma's bedspread that she knitted in the old country. After that I couldn't get back to sleep."
by Phineas T April 10, 2009
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