A person who is able to use a variety of technical terms to ultimately say nothing meaningful, but somehow still manages to satisfactorily answer questions from senior management, all while sipping a Venti, sugar-free, non-fat, vanilla soy, double shot, decaf, no foam, extra hot, Peppermint White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha with light whip, upside-down, 1 pump of peppermint, 1 and 3/8 pumps vanilla, heavy whip-cream, 3 ice cubes, 1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg sprinkled on top, with green sprinkles, light cinnamon dusted on, stirred, with no lid, double cupped, and a straw
Gary is the ultimate jargonista. He was able to deflect each of Claire's questions with a bunch of mis-used and non-sensical technical terms without spilling his latest barista creation.
by Furry Trout August 11, 2011
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