
An embarrassing waste of space, who is potentially an adult, scamming kids on adopt me(roblox) all day after getting scammed themselves.Literally from their waking moment they are terminally online
Person 1: here goes iontataz again
Person 2: can't beleive she's still here, been online for 8 hours straight
by Littlewitchgirlie February 3, 2025
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A serial roblox adopt me scammer. They are potentially an adult and spend all possible time on adopt me scamming kids, from their waking moment to the moment they pass out.An embarrassing waste of space. They use the bring a friend method to scam kids.
Person one: I scammed somebodies giraffe today
Person two: you pulled an iontataz huh
by Littlewitchgirlie February 3, 2025
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