
- the feeling one gets when they are desperate to know the meaning of a word but their brain somehow impedes them to remember, therefore, causing fustration and "upsetedness"

The history of Hoosedinger:
One day, Mr. Fitz went up to the board and said:
"I want you to draw a graph on a hoosedinger travelling along a ramp"
"What's a hoosedinger sir?" the student asked.
Sadly, nobody understood the explanation, and from that day on, hoosedinger got it's meaning.
A student is writting a test and suddently he gets a "brain freeze"
"Noo! Dammit!" he cries, fustrated.
"Oh... he is having one bad hoosedinger over there" another student comments.

Quote from a reliable source:
"I would rather understand what a hoosedinger is than to read my physics text book!"
by JustMe174 April 18, 2007
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