Hoagie to the head is when someone knowingly or unknowingly tries to kill themselves with unhealthy practices of eating poorly and not taking care of ones body. This can include drinking, smoking, and other activities that are known the dramatically shorten ones life. Note, none of these practices can be illegal or purely looked down by society. But, normally when someone says this they are only including one not eating healthy and working out.
It is important to note that someone who is doing this may see a doctor like anyone else, but they have no plan or real care to take care of themselves.

Normal methods of suicide is looked down on, they can be very painful, they tend to have horrible things that happens if it doesn't work, and in many cases there is no backing out. While the "hoagie to the head" approach is mistaken for eating problems or non-suicidal methods. On top of this, this method tends to take so long that the person tends to be able to back out of it if their life gets better, the person can enjoy the foods they want, and it's common to hear about people dying from a heart attack or stroke.
Instead of a gun to the head, I'm going to die by hoagie to the head.
by crua9 August 27, 2017
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