Henjo, better known as Henjous Hepitis, is a rare species of human found living with the rare rainbow elephants. They are known to feed off of mexicans, and sometimes asians. They were first discovered in 1979 by a scientist named "Doodle Sprinkles". Dr. Sprinkles slaughtered the innocent Henjous Hepitis and nuked the rare species of rainbow elephants living in the territory. Today, the Sprinkles are hated by all of America, Canadia, Africa, Asia, and just about every place you can name. Yes, even the moon. Hitler was known to be a Sprinkle. His real name was Adolf "Hitler" Sprinkle.
The Sprinkles murdered the Henjous Hepitis.
The Sprinkles are the equivalent to nuclear bombs mixed with murderous dictators.
Henjous Hepitis you.
by YourPseundonym February 28, 2016
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