A person who is interested in and practices the art of healthy living. Such individuals understand that health is our natural state of being and approach health in a holistic manner, where emphasis is equally placed on physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.

A healthytarian recognizes the potential of the mind — our generated thoughts and emotions, as the most powerful tools we have for creating our health and reality. A healthytarian understands that next to the workings of their mind, proper nutrition and self-care is an essential tool to support and maintain optimal health. Healthytarian nutrition is composed of real, whole food and predominantly (90%) or solely (100%) plant food. There is also an emphasis on eating food that is of the highest quality, meaning organic, non-GMO, local, seasonal and food that has not been subjected to destructive cooking or processing methods. A healthytarian also recognizes the value of conscious and mindful living when it comes to the thoughts, words and actions they choose daily, which shape their health and life.
As a healthytarian, I nourish my mind, body and spirit, as part of my daily self-care.

A healthytarian is conscious of what they buy and how their choices impact others and the Earth.
by HolisticLiving August 23, 2017
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