alternative spelling: geuj. word invented by ladan & infectious beyond belief.

basic meaning insofar as it can be explained: something adorable, cute, delightful to the senses, or just plain sweet.

however it is one of those facinating words whose meaning can be intended and interpreted and extended to a whole range of meanings. if this was 1984 and we were destroying all the unecessary words, the versions of 'good', 'plusgood' & 'doubleplusgood' would be replaced by 'geujj', 'plusgeujj' & 'doubleplusgeujj.'

pronuciation: geh-d-jeh (as one syllable) (emphasis on the 'geh')
*person A sees a rubber ducky*
person A: how geujj!
by Ella&Ladan December 23, 2006
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