
To be felulu is to be a downer,boring,someone who is just there. the negative one , shove big words down ur in all the goodness of everything and makes it all awkward by saying things no ones cares about.The person you try and ditch.
1. P1: OMG! Justin Beiber is coming to town!

P2: Really! we nee to go see him!!!

The felulu: justin beiber is a hypocryte and I dont advise you two to go and try to be one of his very many groupies.

P1:..................-_- i dont give a F***

P2:........................=.= your such a felulu

2. P1: im so sad my pet ant died.

rest of the group:.............. *wispers* thta kid is such a felulu time to ditch !
by pinkzombies80 March 18, 2011
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