When you have a hole in your bullet proof vest ahead of time and pretend to be shot by a Japanese whaling vessel, as seen on Whale Wars.
Dude 1: Did you see that episode of Whale Wars when the captain got shot?

Dude 2: Yeah, that was hella fake. That fool was Fake Shot...He had a hole in his bullet proof vest, but no hole in his shirt.

Dude 1: Hells yeah. Homeboy thought he was Biggie Smalls.
by Smiggie Balls March 3, 2010
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When fucking a bitch from behind, you spit on her back and then she thinks you have cummed and when she turns around you bust in her face! AWWW SKEET SKEET SKEET!
"The bitch was being dumb so i did a 2 shot fake out and that shut her up, my nukka!"
by Joey Gilliam February 14, 2006
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