A failboat's land equivalent.

A failed organization or group of idiots. Doomed to failure and full of ineptitude, they still continue to ride away on the rail of stupidity.

In extreme circumstances, one man can be categorized as riding on the failroad or being the failroad conductor.

Pictures of crashed or derailed trains are usually shown as an example patrons who frequent failroads.
Can you guys believe Grayson is bailing on us again this weekend? You'd think he'd ridden the failroad enough this year.
by dubcaps February 9, 2009
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Specifically a poorly ran Railroad, as if the entire management staff was hand picked from educationally challenged, socially awkward basement dwellers who like to play with toy trains.
Sorry, you must of misheard, I work for the failroad and I am at the mercy of the handicapped version of Oceans 11
by Super Dave's hotrod May 21, 2011
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Specifically a poorly ran Railroad, as if the entire management staff was hand picked from educationally challenged, socially awkward basement dwellers who like to play with toy trains.
Sorry, you must of misheard, I work for the failroad and I am at the mercy of the handicapped version of Oceans 11
by Super Dave's hotrod May 20, 2011
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A person who fails so much he/she gets to direct the failroad.

A title that can only be obtained by frequent fits of failure.
Can you guys believe Grayson is bailing on us again this weekend? You'd think he'd taken a job as the failroad conductor.
by dubcaps February 9, 2009
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