A dirty Marcel is when a dude fucks a girl doggystyle and takes a bong rip whilst still in action.
Dude, I just pulled a dirty Marcel on that bitch last night, because I still had a few gramms leftover
by Dr. HandsomeWeed April 7, 2022
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The act of sticking a cucumber with a small hole into the vagina of a woman. Then while it is inside the woman you simply fill the hole with semen. Once this has been fulfilled you leave the cucumber in so that it will ferment into a pickle. With said pickle you give it to a person named Marcel.
Guy 1: Hey do you know what would be absolutely hilarious??
Guy 2: No, tell me what you are thinking.
Guy 1: We should do a Dirty Marcel
Kool aid guy: Oh yeah!
by D1ldoBaggins September 13, 2023
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