(n) a mischevious person; one who shamelessly and embarrassingly acts out in extreme and obvious sarcasm, using irony and parody; a prankster and practical jokester. Orignally taken from the motion picture "The Count of Monte Cristo" when one said in arrogant passion, "You dare to demote me?" Hence, "demote me" became the verb "dirty mop." (Group to first use the term: Club Fathom Inc., Chattanooga TN)
(n) "That dirty mopper used all four containers of my hair gel... and why? He's bald!" "You dirty mopper. When I said I wanted a sight no one would forget, I did not mean for you to wear a pink spandex one-sie to my sister's wedding!" (v) "Com'mon, let's go dirty him up." "You dare to dirty mop me???"
by Jonathan Lankford August 17, 2006
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