1: A guys dick.
2: A salesperson, or someone who likes to promote things.
1: "Hey baby, wanna see my dillermand?"
2: "Hey please join our club!"

3: (combo) "For $2 I'll let you play with my dillermand."
by Willow Lorelei December 8, 2009
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A danish fictional character, featuring in a children's show with the same name.
He is known for having a very long and thin penis, which is also important for the plot of the show.
Did you see season two of John Dillermand yesterday?
by JohnDillermand>Sweden May 18, 2021
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A dillermand, is a funny type of word to describe penis, in a fun method. It is used in danish.
Kristian: "Look, hes "dillermand" is very big?!"
Malik: "Yeah i can see that!"
by Dælle_Wak.Wak 2 September 22, 2023
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