someone: are you into me?
you: no i’m diannasexual
someone: what does that mean?
you: i’m only into Dianna Agron.
someone: oh. that’s dope.
by ilovenuggss January 15, 2021
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Being attracted to the flawless Dianna Agron aka Quinn Fabray in glee
I don’t like men. I like Dianna agron which means I am diannasexual
by Guinea pig 21 January 15, 2021
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Being totally and completely infatuated with one of Glee's hottest performer - Dianna Agron
#1. "Do you like girls?"

#2. "No. But I like Dianna agron. I'm a diannasexual"
by Diannaagronshoe January 15, 2021
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