When you have seen too many dank memes, and your body can't handle the mass amount of dankness injected in you, it causes a fever know as "DankMania"

Symptoms include: Speaking only in dankmemes, staying on electronic devices to make sure a steady stream of dankness is provided, and the tembling fear of no more dank memes

Although many people have had dankmania, no one really knows what happens when you restrict the hosts access to the internet, some say the subject will turn into a meme surrounding us all watching and shit. like the end of that movie "Lucy" with Scarlett Johansson. idk you try coming up of what would happen, what do i like to you, A Sphinx or something.
Have you seen jerry, Nah fam he been out with dankmania for the past couple days
by HealthyHentai December 16, 2016
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