1. this guy who does crazy screwed up experimental music.. which happens to be pretty damn good. his album "allofme.hyde" (2004) can be found on the amazon.com website.
2. an adjective for an adjective used to describe hair colors. works only on colors that have been seen on the head of cyrusrex.
3. www.negative3.com
1a. damn, i've been listening to that weird track by cyrusrex all day. it has taken me to the edge of insanity and i love it!
1b. i declare my undying love to cyrusrex.
2. cyrusrex brown, cyrusrex red, cyrusrex blue
3. what a horrible day. oh well, a visit to the negative3 website and everything will be alright again.
by Mimiiii September 24, 2006
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1. this guy who does crazy screwed up experimental music.. which happens to be pretty damn good. his album "allofme.hyde" (2004) can be found on the amazon.com website.
2. an adjective for an adjective used to describe hair colors. works only on colors that have been seen on the head of cyrusrex.
3. the man behind negative3
1a. damn, i've been listening to that weird track by cyrusrex all day. it has taken me to the edge of insanity and i love it!
1b. i declare my undying love to cyrusrex.
2. cyrusrex brown, cyrusrex red, cyrusrex blue
3. negative3 is my church.
by mimiiii October 2, 2006
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