The act of parting the flange and enjoying the pink pleasures of a slightly questionable member of the female species that one may find in a place like Swindon on a Saturday evening. The sort of pleasure where the use of the curtain for cleaning purposes is absolutely essential following copulation.
Had a great tonight cunt cracking tonight fellas.... here, John... do you want to smell my finger?!?
by Myfingerstinks October 10, 2018
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A person who has lost the plot due to drug related psychosis. It is where you are not in control and are on full autopilot. This can occur while on drugs or if you abuse substances which leave your brain chemistry messed up.
"Brah the other day i took so much dex i was in the dextroverse" said Rodney
"Fuuckkkk" - said jim
"Yeah then i mainlined so much ketamine i ate my tongue"- said Rodney
"You're a cracked cunt" said Jim
"yeah mand you've lost the plot" said Sam
by Ali-g and Kooyman March 12, 2015
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A females inability to successfully urinate despite frequent trips to the toilet. This typically occurs after the comsumption of a large amount of drugs.

A similar phenomenom occurs in men called crack cock.
"I must have crack cunt. I sat on the toilet for ten minutes without pissing."
by ariesjow July 28, 2005
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