crush karma- the affect when you keep you crush a secret from someone, symptoms are getting embarrassed in from of your crush or your crush doing something bad to you.
If you don't tell me who you like you will get crush karma.
by Shsiyavskdusbejeu November 10, 2015
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The act of donating extra moves and/or lives on Candy Crush Saga to Facebook friends, particularly those that you don't like, thinking that the good karma will increase your ability to beat an especially difficult level of the game.
Amanda: "Sherida, what level of Candy Crush are you on?"

Sherida: "I'm stuck on 116, but I responded to a bunch of people's requests - so hopeflly that will improve my Candy Crush Karma."

Amanda: "That's a good idea, cuh!"
by ShayJ45 November 20, 2013
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